The following list includes examples of publications in which the statistical analysis was performed at the statistics laboratory
Medical Research:
- Zohar, J., Fostick, L., Cohen, A., Bleich, A., Dolfin, D., Weissman, Z., Doron, M., Kaolan, Z., Klein, E., and Shalev,.A. “Risk Factors for the Development of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder following Combat Trauma” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 70(12): 1629-1635, 2009
- Peres-Dubrovsky, S., Kaveh, M., Deutsh-Caster, T., Cohen, A., and Tirosh, E. “The Human Figure Drawing as Related to Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)” Journal of Child Neurology, 25,689-693,2010
- Tirosh, E., Ariov-Antebi, N., and Cohen, A. “Autonomic function, gastro-esophagealreflux in apparent life threatening event” Clinical Autonomic Research, 20,161-166,2010
- Tzischinsky, O., Cohen, A.; Doveh, E.; Epstein, R., Ribak, J., Klein, D., Pillar, G., Treister-Efrat, D., Lavie, P. “Screening applicants for professional driving license for sleep disordered breathing” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 54(10), 1275-1279,2012
- Daniel-Spiegel, E., Weiner, E., Yarom, I., Doveh, E., Friedman, P., Cohen, A., Shalev, E. “Establishment of fetal biometric charts, using quantile regression analysis”. The Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 2013(32) 23-33.
- Smadja, D., Touboul, D., Cohen, A., Doveh, E., Santhiago, M.R., Mello, G.R., Krueger, R.R , Colin, J. “Detection of Subclinical Keratoconus Using an Automated Decision Tree Classification”, American Journal of Ophthalmology, Volume 156, Issue 2, August 2013, Pages 237–246.
- Turner,D.,Doveh,E.,Cohen,A.,Wilson,M.L.,Grossman,A.B.,Rosh,R.J.,Lu,Y.,Bousvarous,A.,Deslanders,C.,Noble,A.,Baldassano,R.N.,Levine,A.,Lerner,A.,Wilson,D.,C,Griffin,A.,M “Efficacy of oral methotrexate in paediatric Crohn’s disease: a multi-centre propensity score study”, GUT, 2014
- גיא בק, צבי פרי,אילה כהן, גד שקד, תוצאי העברת פצועי טראומה ממרכז רפואי פריפרי למרכז–על בדרום הארץ, הרפואה הצבאית, כרך 13, יולי 2016
- Kobo-Greenhut A, Shnifi A, Tal-Or E, Magnezi R, Notea A, Ruach M, Onn E, Cohen A, Doveh E, Ben Shlomo I ” De-freezing frozen patient management” Int J Qual Health Care. 29 (2), 206-212, 2017.
- Cohen,A, Plonsky-Toder, M., Tirosh, E. ” The Short-Term Placebo Response in Children With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)” Journal of Child Neurology, 2018.
- Gitelman, V., Levi, S., Doveh, E., Endy-Findling, L. “Developing a Composite Index of Child Road Safety in a Municipality”, Open Journal of Safety Science and Technology, 2013(3) 18-30.
- Gitelman, V, Carmel, R., Doveh, E., Pesahov, F., Hakkert, A.S. “An examination of the effectiveness of a new generation of safety barriers”. Transport Research Arena 2014, Paris.
- Gitelman V., Zaidel D., Doveh E., Zilberstein RThe impact of billboards on road accidents on Ayalon highway. Comparing three stages: billboards present, removed and then returned to roadsides. Research coordination: Research Division, National Road Safety Authority.
- Gitelman, V. and Doveh, E. (2016) Investigating Road Safety Management Systems in the European Countries: Patterns and Particularities. Journal of Transportation Technologies, 6, 378-404.
- Muhlrad, N., Vallet, G., Butler, I., Gitelman, V., Doveh, E., Dupont, E., Thomas, P., Talbot, R., Papadimitriou, E., Yannis, G., Persia, L., Giustiniani, G., Machata, K., Bax, C. (2016) Analysis of Road Safety Management Systems in Europe, in Traffic Safety (eds G. Yannis and S. Cohen), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA.
- Gomer, I., Gitelman, V., Rofè, Y., Lerman, Y., Kaplan, N., & Doveh, E. (2017). Evaluating Crash Risk in Urban Areas Based on Vehicle and Pedestrian Modeling. Geographical Analysis. (early view:
- Gitelman, V., Carmel, R., Doveh, E., & Hakkert, S. (2017). Exploring safety impacts of pedestrian-crossing configurations at signalized junctions on urban roads with public transport routes. International journal of injury control and safety promotion, 1-10. (
- Gitelman, V., Doveh, E., & Bekhor, S. (2017). The relationship between travel speeds, infrastructure characteristics and crashes on two-lane highways. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, (published on line, April 2017).
- Gitelman, V., Doveh,E., Carmel, R., and Hakkert, S.( 2017) The influence of shoulder characteristics on the safety level of two-lane roads; a case-study from Israel. Paper presented at the Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2017, Delft University of Technology.
- Gitelman, V., & Bekhor, S. , Doveh, E., Fany Pesahov, F., Carmel, R., Morik, S. (2018). Exploring relationships between driving events identified by in-vehicle data recorders, infrastructure characteristics and road crashes. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol 91, June 2018, Pages 156–175
- Gitelman, V., Doveh, E., Carmel,R., & Hakkert, S. (2019). The influence of shoulder characteristics on the safety level of two-lane roads: A case-study. Accident Analysis and Prevention 122 , 108–118.
Behavioral Sciences:
- Ayala Cohen, Etti Doveh and Inbal Nahum-Shani “Testing Agreement for Multi item Scales with the Indices rWG(J) and ADM(J)” Organizational Research Methods Vol.12(1), 148-164, 2009
- Ayala Cohen, Inbal Nahum-Shani and Etti Doveh “Further Insight and Additional Inference Methods for Polynomial Regression Applied to the Analysis of Congruence” Multivariate Behavioral Research, Vol.45(5), 428, 2010
- Nahum-Shani, I., & Bamberger, P.A., Bacharach, S.B., & Doveh, E. Explaining the varying effects of retirement on alcohol consumption: The role of unit-level drinking norms and stress climate. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, August 2012.
- Nahum-Shani, I., & Bamberger, P.A., Bacharach, S.B., & Doveh, E. Retirement’s Impact on Alcohol Consumption: Drinking Norms and Stress Climate. Poster presented at the 2013 SIOP (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology) Conference, Houston, Texas, April 2013
- Smith-Crow, K., Burke, M.J., Cohen, A. & Doveh, E. “Statistical Significance Criteria for the rWG and Average Deviation Interrater Agreement Indices ” Journal of Applied Psychology, 99(2), 239-261, 2014.
- Bamberger, P. & Cohen, A .” Driven to the Bottle: Work-related Risk Factors and Alcohol Misuse among Commercial Drivers”Journal of Drug Issues, 45(2), 180-201, 2015.
- Bamberger, P. A., Geller, D., & Doveh, E. (2017). Assisting Upon Entry: Helping Type and Approach as Moderators of How Role Conflict Affects Newcomer Resource Drain. Journal of Applied Psychology. Advance online publication.
- Tadmor, T., C.Hong, Y., Chao, M., M, Cohen, A. (2018) ” The tolerance benefits of multicultural experiences depend on the perception of available mental resources” , Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition ( Accepted for publication)
- Michael J. Burke, Ayala Cohen, Etti Doveh& Kristin Smith-Crowe, ” Central Tendency and Matched Difference Approaches for Assessing Interrater Agreement ” Journal of Applied Psychology ,2018.
- Burke, M.J., Burke, M.I., Cohen, A., Smith-Crowe, K., & Doveh, E. “Climate strength: An examination of its role as a criterion and a moderator variable. ” Paper presented at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada, 2018
Environmental Studies:
- Sharon, D., Kessler, A., Cohen, A.,& Doveh, E. “A Note on the History and Recent Revision of Israel’s Cloud Seeding Program” Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 57(1), 65-69, 2008
- M. Sorek-Hamera, A. Cohen, R.C. Levy, B. Ziv , and D.M. Broday “Classification of dust days by satellite remotely sensed aerosol products” International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(8), 2672-2688, 2013
- Sorek-Hamer, M., Strawa, A.W., Chatfield, R.B., Esswein, R., Cohen, A., Broday, D.M. “Improved retrieval of PM2.5 from satellite data products using non-linear methods” Environmental Pollution, 182, 417-423, 2013
- Sorek-Hamer, M. , Kloog, I,.Koutrakis, P., Strawa, A., Chatfield, R., Cohen, A..,Ridgway, F. D., Broday, D. Assessment of PM2.5concentrations over bright surfaces using MODIS satellite observations ” Remote Sensing of Environment 180-185,2015
- Cohen, A., Doveh, A., Umansky, T., & Cohen-Kenneth,T. “The correlation corrected for range restriction: An alternative estimation method and the calculation of confidence interval based both on the commonly used estimate and on the alternative proposed method’. Funded by the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation, 2013
- Cohen, A., Doveh, A., Umansky, T., & Cohen-Kenneth,T “Comparison between the Bootstrap BCa and Multiple Imputation for the construction of confidence interval for the correlation coefficient estimated from a restricted sample”. Funded by the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation, 2014